Choices Choices : Tackling Temptations by Choosing God’s Best (Episode 15) Cherub Wings

Episode 15: Choices, Choices! (tackling temptation by choosing God's best) -- This episode teaches children the benefits of heeding the Bible and praying when faced with difficult choices. “You dare me to what?”– “I’m not sure I should watch this!”– “I don’t think that’s a good idea!” Every day we are faced with choices, new experiences, dares and even temptation. How can I make the right choice? Join Cherub, Chubby and new friend Cheery as they discover that God’s guidance through the Bible is the safest and best way to go! Filled with fun stories, songs and object lessons this program points us in the right direction – straight to a happy life!

And It Was So! : God’s Power and Forgiveness (Episode 10) Cherub Wings

Episode 10: And It Was So -- In this Easter episode of Cherub Wings, a rousing space-chase in cherub chariots topple Cherub and Chubby into an awesome awareness of God's mighty power! Children will see the ultimate act of forgiveness in the crucifixion and will marvel at the power of God in the resurrection. They will learn that by accepting Jesus' gift of forgiveness, they can receive him as Savior. This program shows how we can benefit from God's daily presence in our lives.

Out of Bounds : Obedience (Episode 9) Cherub Wings

Episode 9: Out Of Bounds -- This program teaches children about obedience and shows them the blessing of doing what is right. Just think of what it would be like to do just as you please. No rules, no limits, no restrictions! Pure fun! -- Or would it be? In "Out of Bounds" Cherub and Chubby learn that doing just what you want may end up being just the opposite of what you expected! From cloud-boarding thrills to the mad-house craziness of a no-rules day, this Cherub Wings adventure brings great delight while highlighting the benefits of healthy guidelines.

Ooops! Sorry! : Forgiveness (Episode 8) Cherub Wings

Episode 8: Ooops! Sorry! -- "Ooops!" "Sorry about that!" "Please forgive me!" The reason these phrases ring a bell is because we so often need to use them! Everyone makes mistakes and needs to be forgiven and to forgive others. Join Cherub and Chubby in this funny adventure as they learn the true meaning of Jesus' instructions to "forgive from the heart." Children will discover how they only hurt themselves when they hold grudges and refuse to forgive.

Moldy Gold : Finding Eternal Treasures (Episode 7) Cherub Wings

Episode 7: Moldy Gold -- Finding Eternal Treasures -- "I like this! I like that! I gotta have more! I want this! I want that! I want the whole store!" Everyone experiences "the gimmes"- that seemingly endless quest for the things that we think will make us truly happy only to end up wanting more! Join Cherub as he takes us through an adventurous treasure hunt in search of eternal jewels left for us to discover in God's Word!

Never Outta Sight: Jesus Cares (Episode 6) Cherub Wings

Episode 6: Never Outta Sight -- Jesus Cares -- Little children sometimes feel that they're just too small to be of any significant value. But through this lively video they'll learn that not even one sparrow can fall to the ground without God knowing it. He even knows the number of hairs on our heads! Join Cherub as he entertainingly shows how much God does care about each one of us personally and individually.

Gratitude Attitude : Thankfulness (Episode 2) Cherub Wings

From the new Cherub Wings series, here is an audio that the little ones will love and want to listen to over and over while at the same time learning basic Biblical teachings. More than anything else, Cherub wishes to share Heaven with children everywhere! What a surprise when Jesus commissions him to do so, resulting in a fun-packed delight!

Little Things Serving God (Episode 1) Cherub Wings

From the new Cherub Wings series, here is an audio program that the little ones will love and want to listen to over and over while at the same time learning basic Biblical teachings. More than anything else, Cherub wishes to share Heaven with children everywhere! What a surprise when Jesus commissions him to do so, resulting in a fun-packed delight!

25 Favourite Action Songs – VeggieTales

The Veggies are movin' and grovin' with this CD with some great action songs including Deep and Wide, Keep Walking, Ezekiel Saw The Wheel, Yankee Doodle and many more!

25 Favourite Sunday School Songs – VeggieTales

It's Sunday morning classic tunes and a little Veggie fun in this collection with songs such as, This Little Light of Mine, Down in My Heart, He's Got The Whole World, My God is So Big, The B-I-B-L-E and much more!

Theo – God’s Love : Teaching Children God’s Word

Actors: Theo Directors: Theo Format: NTSC Language: English Number of discs: 1 DVD Release Date: September 13, 2011 Run Time: 33 minutes

Theo – God’s Grace : Teaching Children God’s Word

Actors: Theo Format: NTSC Number of discs: 1 Rated: NR Not Rated DVD Release Date: March 13, 2012 Run Time: 45 minutes

Theo – God’s Heart : Teaching Children God’s Word

Actors: Theo Directors: Whitestone Media Format: NTSC Language: English Closed Captions: No Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Hindi, Mandarin, Korean, and Japanese Product Release Date: Tuesday 18 September, 2012 Length/Run Time: 77 minutes UPC/ISBN Number: 602537409532

Theo in Telugu – God’s Grace : Teaching Children God’s Word

Actors: Theo Format: NTSC Number of discs: 1 Rated: NR Not Rated DVD Release Date: March 13, 2012 Run Time: 45 minutes

Theo in Telugu – God’s Love : Teaching Children God’s Word

Actors: Theo Directors: Theo Format: NTSC Language: English Region: Region 1 (U.S. and Canada only. Read more about DVD formats.) Number of discs: 1 Studio: 101 DISTRIBUTION - EMI DVD Release Date: September 13, 2011 Run Time: 33 minutes

Theo in Tamil – God’s Love : Teaching Children God’s Word

Actors: Theo Directors: Theo Format: NTSC Language: English Region: Region 1 (U.S. and Canada only. Read more about DVD formats.) Number of discs: 1 Studio: 101 DISTRIBUTION - EMI DVD Release Date: September 13, 2011 Run Time: 33 minutes

The Story of Solomon – Bible Stories for Kids

The Bible comes alive in this delightful animated series The Old Testament Bible Stories for Children. Includes Solomon's Kingdom, Solomon and the Temple, The Demise of Solomon.

Story of Joshua, David & Goliath – The Beginners Bible

QUICK OVERVIEW: In David Battles Goliath, a young shepherd boy named David steps forward to accept the challenge of fighting a Philistine giant named Goliath. Can David’s simple weapons of a slingshot and stones, and his great faith in God, be enough to save the Israelites from slavery to the Philistines? Actors: Kathie Lee Gifford Directors: James R. Leininger Format: Animated, Closed-captioned, Color, NTSC Language: English Rated: NR Not Rated Number of tapes: 1