Unrighteous Anger Enslaves You…
Mishandling anger, stuffing it, or iust trying to ”manage” it can lead to conflict, bitterness, and physical, emotional, and mental problems. Not only can it damage you, it can ruin relationships with friends and loved ones.
GodÂ’s Grace and Forgiveness Free You…
Authors Neil Anderson and Rich Miller show you how God can set you free from self-deception and self-sufficiency so you can be who you are in Christ. They explain the difference between righteous and unrighteous anger, and how living in grace and forgiving others allow you to throw off anger’s chains.
ChristÂ’s Power Fills You…
Getting Anger Under Control will help you break strongholds of anger in your life so you can begin resting in the presence of Jesus and walking in the power of the Holy Spirit. You can experience liberation and fulfillment and come to enioy the riches of God’s mercy and grace in greater ways than ever before.
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