Showing 1–9 of 42 results

Bible Basics – Foundations of Faith

The answers to life's greatest mysteries can all be found in a single book?the world's all-time bestseller?the Bible. But sometimes just the thought of piecing those answers together from the Bible's 31,000 verses can seem more daunting than a giant jigsaw puzzle. Where do you start? Bible Basics? Foundations of Faith makes it simple! Discover in a matter of minutes what the Bible has to say about: * Love and forgiveness * Salvation * Prayer * Faith * How to succeed with people * How to find the will of God * Overcoming troubles and temptations * Comfort in times of crisis * The Endtime * Christian service Or any of the nearly 200 other topics covered in the Bible Bible Basics' thorough content and user-friendly format make this one of the best Bible study guides ever produced.

Little Talks with Jesus

A child's collection of easy to remember and catchy prayers prepared to be used often! Teaches children to communicate with Jesus as they would with a close friend or loved one. Each prayer is beautifully illustrated to help reinforce the theme of the prayer.

God’s Outrageous Claims

Discover What they Mean for You New York Times BestSelling Author