God talks with me about friendship

CaseyÂ’s family relocated and sheÂ’s insecure about making new friends. She talks with God about her feelings and he reminds her of Bible verses that trigger ideas on how to gain a new friend.

Hanging out with Jesus – The Impatient Carpenter

Taking children back in time to experience life with Jesus as a boy. “The Impatient Carpenter” is a fictional story about Jesus’ friend, Nathan, who learns patience as he attempts to build himself a stool. He wants it done quickly and makes a mess of things, until Jesus helps him get it right and teaches him the benefits of patience as a result.

Psalm 23

The original Psalm, “The Lord is my Shepherd”, alongside a paraphrased verse and illustration, makes this well-known passage relatable to children. Understanding Psalm 23 has just become easier.

Psalm 121

A Bible chapter on GodÂ’s care. A paraphrased Psalm alongside the original version, helping young children understand the verses and relating them to everyday life.

1 Corinthians 13

Bible verses from 1 Corinthians 13, also known as the Love Chapter, are brought to life in a relatable way for young children, with colorful illustrations and relatable examples.

Hanging out with Jesus – Pass It On

I this fictional story, children take a glimpse into the life of Jesus as a boy. Jesus and his friends experience the joy and value of giving. Full of colorful illustrations, values and virtues. About the characters in this story: Jesus: My name is Jesus, and IÂ’m GodÂ’s son. IÂ’m 8 years old and I like to help Joseph, my earthly father, in the carpentry shop. I love talking with God while out in nature. Spending time with my friends is one of my favorite things to do. Nathan: My name is Nathan and IÂ’m 7 years old. IÂ’m full of energy and need to run, jump and play. IÂ’m very curious and love to discover new things. When IÂ’m not at school, I explore the world around me with my best friends. Chloe: My name is Chloe and IÂ’m 6 years old. I love to help my mom with the cooking and cleaning, because it makes me feel grown up. Even though IÂ’m a little shy, I enjoy otherÂ’s company and seeing them happy.

Chloe’s Donkey Day

Chloe faces obstacles that help her learn the value of having faith. Suggested ages: 7 years and under.

Psalm 100

A book of praises that will provide you with a tool to use in your worship time together and filled with reminders of why we worship Him. If you don’t know what to say when you want to thank God, use this book as a way to help you voice your thoughts and feelings to God. The children can repeat the phrases or say them in their own words using “”I-messages”” that can help them focus on what they’re saying. Any time of the day; first thing in the morning, to last thing at night, one or two pages accompanied with a joyful willing heart is enough to get them started in making worshiping God a habit in their life. Includes colorful and relatable illustrations as well as the original Bible verse followed by a paraphrased version.